Last week, two workers died after two communications towers collapsed near Blaine, KS.
The men have been identified as 25-year-old Seth Garner and 38-year old Martin Powers. The men died last Tuesday while working at the 250 foot level of the telecommunications tower that collapsed. Power died at the scene and Garner at a local hospital.
The two men were dismantling an old tower which was right next to a new tower when the accident happened, destroying both towers. Acting Director for OSHA, Michael Moon, says there were 13 tower related fatalities in Kansas last year and 4 this year. “They are in a very high risk job. In 2013, we were more than double in the number of fatalities for tower related incidents than we were in 2011 and 2012 combined,” said Moon.
If you or a loved one has been seriously injured on the job, Fine, Olin & Anderman can help with your workers’ compensation claim. Contact us today for a free case appraisal.