Check out these tips for safe shoveling this winter:
If you’re inactive and have a history of heart trouble, talk to your doctor … stop if you feel tightness in your chest.
– Drink plenty of water and always stay hydrated.
– Dress warmly but do not put too many layers on that will cause you to sweat. The sweat will actually make you colder.
– Lift the snow with your legs, not your back. Bend your knees a lift.
– Don’t lift too much snow at once.
– If using a snow blower, never insert your hands or fingers into the machine unless it is off.
– Avoid caffeine or nicotine when shoveling – this may place extra stress on your heart.
– Help elderly neighbors or loved ones with shoveling out their car or yard.
– Clear snow as soon as it falls – fresh snow is lighter.
Shovel safely this winter and keep warm!