The Center for Disease Control and Prevention has issued safety tips for walking in the ice, and the top tip is to walk like a Penguin!
With temperatures set to continue this artic blast, it’s more important than ever to pay attention when out in the cold. Follow these tips and be safe out there!
- Always approach all surfaces with caution. Assume they are wet and that the dark patches are ice.
- Avoid shoes and boots with smooth soles. Wear non-slip rubber or neoprene grooved soles.
- Keep your hands out of your pockets. Extend them out to your sides to help maintain balance.
- If you are going down, avoid falling on your knees, try to land somewhere with more flesh.
- Take short steps and go slowly.
DO THE PENGUIN SHUFFLE! Point your feel out slightly, spread your feet out to increase your center of gravity and walk flat footed.