Exposure to Organic Solvents and Heavy Metals in Nationwide Industries Related to Hearing Loss in Workers

Noise exposure is a well-known contributor to work-related hearing loss. Recent biological evidence suggests that exposure to ototoxic chemicals such as organic solvents and heavy metals may be additional contributors to hearing loss. Some studies suggest that the effect of noise may be enhanced by ototoxic chemicals. Therefore, this study investigated whether co-exposure to organic […]

Outdoor Workers Have a Higher Than Average Risk of Developing Skin Cancer

The risk of skin cancer becomes greater with increasing amounts of exposure to the sun. It’s a fact that more men than women die of skin cancer and workers in the construction sector are 6 times more likely to develop skin cancer than the general population. UV rays are dangerous and contain carcinogens. They can […]

Linen Workers Complain of Inhumane Conditions

Employees at a Port Morris cleaning service that delivers linens to some of the city’s fanciest, most expensive hotels say they are continuing to be underpaid and are being threatened while being subject to a dangerous work environment. Workers at Carnegie Linen complain that they are not being granted paid time off while recovering from […]

Preventing Heat-Related Illness in Outdoor Workers

Heat Illness can be deadly! Every year thousands of workers become sick from exposure to heat, and unfortunately some even die. Heat illness is preventable. Employers are responsible for providing workplaces that are safe from excessive heat. Employers should: •    Establish a complete heat illness prevention program to prevent heat illness. •    Gradually increase workloads […]

Worker Fatalities Show Importance of Safety Training

In June 2013, OSHA issued statements regarding citations to five companies where training might have helped save a worker’s life. These real-life examples put emphasis on how important it is to complete safety training and apply that knowledge to the job. 1.    OSHA proposed fines of 157,000 against a plumbing company following a January 16, 2013 […]

Reports of Worker Fatalities During Flowback Operations

There is very little published data regarding occupational health hazards during oil and gas extraction operations. NIOSH request assistance from oil and gas stakeholders in further characterizing risks for chemical exposures during flowback operations and develop and implement exposure controls. NIOSH has learned that several worker fatalities have been related to flowback operations through media […]

Workplace Safety Extends to Company Vehicles

Unfortunately, rigorous safety practices that apply in a factory or an office tend not to be as strictly applied to motor vehicle use. Companies tend to expose themselves to fines from work safety authorities and potential litigation if they don’t ensure people using company-owned, or their own, vehicle for work take regular eyesight tests. Not […]

Citi Bike Workers Gear Up to Join Transit Workers Union

The transit workers union is organizing Citi Bike workers into a chapter. More than 50% of Citi Bike staffers already have signed authorization cards declaring their desire to be represented by Local 100. Citi Bike is a city program run by a private company, NYC Bike Share. It has approximately 130 mechanics, dispatchers, docking station […]

Metro-North Takes Safety Measures

After a fatal derailment and several other disasters, Metro-North is changing its focus from punctuality and on-time performance to safety statistics and messages. The change is in response to a recent review about Metro-North’s “deficient safety culture.” “While good progress has been made, much more needs to be done,” Joseph J. Giulietti, Metro-North’s president, wrote […]