NYPIRG Applauds NYC Comptroller Stringer’s “Claimstat” Initiative

NYPIRG applauds New York City Comptroller Scott Stinger for proposing a data driven risk management initiative to identify ways to prevent deaths and injuries in New York City and thereby reduce payouts. “Governments should practice the Hippocratic principle and its corollary: First do no harm and then figure out ways to minimize injuries, deaths and […]

Defensive Driving: 10 Tips to Keep You Safe

Getting behind the wheel may be the most dangerous thing you do all day so it’s important to understand your risks and take safety precautions. In the U.S., car crashes are the fifth leading cause of death. So follow these simple safety tips to stay safe behind the wheel: 1.    Focus on the road: Don’t […]

Drugged Drivers Are Now More Likely to Test Positive for Prescription Drugs, Marijuana, and Multiple Drugs

According to a recent study released in Public Health Reports, the profile of a drugged driver has changed since 1993. The study shows that more drivers are now testing positive for prescription drugs, marijuana, and multiple drugs. Although we have seen a decrease in the amount of motor vehicle fatalities involving people under the influence, […]

Ensure Employee Safety for Student Employees

During the summer months, it’s common for students to seek out internships and other jobs to gain experience or earn a little extra money. However, during these months, workplace safety training for student employees is often overlooked. “Many small businesses don’t recognize the risks associated with student workers and don’t provide any type of workplace […]

Health & Safety Hazards in the Construction Industry

Construction work is considered to have the largest number of fatalities reported for any industry sector. In fact, construction site work injuries involving contractors accounted for 12% of all fatal work injuries in 2011. About 13 workers die every day. Physical Hazards Physical hazards are present in every construction project. The leading causes of physical […]

Skid Steer Loader Safety Tips for the Workplace

A skid steer is one of the most diverse pieces of equipment in the construction industry. It can be maneuvered into tight spaces and has a multitude of attachments that are available to complete specific job types. With the versatility of this machine in mind, there are several key safety factors to consider before or […]