The Skully Smart Motorcycle Helmet Provides an Added Layer of Safety

Using an elaborate network of sensors, microprocessors, and a camera, the newly designed Skully AR-1 is able to deliver a Heads Up Display, with turn-by-turn GPS navigation, with information appearing approximately ten feet in front of the rider. The platform, called the Synapse platform, offers automatic infinitely variable focal distance, meaning that the GPS itself […]

Heat Illness and Death Among Workers – Get the Facts

Exposure to heat and hot environments puts workers at risk for heat stress, which can result in heat illnesses and death. Under paragraph 5(a)(1) in the “general duty clause” of the Occupational Safety and Health Act of 1970, each employer is required to “furnish to each of his employees employment and a place of employment […]

New Concerns About an Old Heart Drug

A recent study found that one of the oldest and most commonly used heart medications may shorten the lives of patients with atrial fibrillation, a common type of irregular heartbeat that affects about three million Americans. The drug, digoxin, is used every day by millions of people, mostly older adults. It is prescribed for heart […]

Governor Cuomo Lowers New York City Speed Limit to 25 Mph

Governor Andrew Cuomo signed a bill into law on August 9 mandating that the citywide speed limit be lowered to 25 mph. The previous speed limit was 30 mph but community activists and Albany legislation continued to propose lowering the limit to reduce pedestrian fatalities. The bill is part of Mayor de Blasio’s Vision Zero […]

2,500 Ground Zero Workers Have Cancer

According to The Post, more than 2,500 Ground Zero rescuers and responders have been diagnosed with cancer, and a growing number are seeking compensation for their illnesses. The number had skyrocketed to 1,140 cancer cases reported last year and in its latest tally, the World Trade Center Health Program at Mount Sinai Hospital counts 1,655 […]

Lawsuit Seeks to Make Sidewalks More Accessible for Disabled New Yorkers

A group of advocates have filed a suit against the city arguing that New York City’s streets are often inaccessible for the blind of those in wheelchairs. The advocates are calling this a violation of federal disability laws. The group, Disability Rights Advocates, said the class action lawsuit aimed to “end decades of civil rights […]

Preventing Heat-Related Illness in Outdoor Workers

A recent NIOSH report offers advice to employers on the importance of preventing heat-related illness in workers. The report is based on an evaluation of heat stress at a national park in California, but the agency said its recommendations  can be applied to other worksites where extreme heat may be a factor. NIOSH found that […]

Explosion at Tonawanda Coke Corp. Results in Serious Safety Violations and $161,100 in US DOL OSHA Fines

Tonawanda Coke Corp. and Kirchner LLC face a total of $161,100 in fines from the U.S. Department of Labor’s Occupational Safety and Health Administration after an explosion on January 31, 2014 that caused the collapse of brick walls, damage to electrical equipment, and injuries to two permanent employees and one temporary employee. The explosion was […]