The proposal to lower the New York City speed limit to 25 mph gained some favor last Tuesday. A bill in the State Senate won the support of the Mayor de Blasio administration and some traffic safety advocates.
If the bill is passed, this could be the most significant change yet under Bill de Blasio’s Vision Zero plan.
Following the increase in traffic fatalities around the city, pedestrian advocates have called for safer speed limits. Administration officials have argued that even a more modest reduction such as 25 mph could save lives.
A pedestrian struck by a vehicle traveling at 25 mph has a 1 in 10 chance of being killed but a pedestrian struck by a vehicle traveling at 30 mph has a 1 n 5 chance of being killed.
In addition, the stopping distance at 25 mph is 23% shorter, a difference of 45 feet, which could help prevent crashes from happening.
However, despite the mayor’s attempt to eliminate traffic fatalities, the NYPD has struggled to recruit officers to catch lawbreakers behind the wheel and to investigate crashes.
Read more on this article from the NYTimes.