Author Archives: FOA

Communication Towers: The Dangers Workers Face

Over the past 30 years, the growing demand for wireless and broadcast communications has increased tower construction and maintenance. With the fast growth of technology like 3G, carriers are forced to race to upgrade their network, which has led to the increase number of fatalities in the cellphone tower industry. In order to maintain communication […]

10 Easy Ways to Reduce Your Risk of Injury at Your 9-5 Job

When we think of work-related injuries, we usually associate them with construction site accidents and physical labor jobs. However, computer-related health injuries are a leading cause of workplace occupational hazards. While computer usage is very common among 9-5 desk jobs, it is important to protect yourself from serious injuries such as carpal tunnel syndrome. Follow […]

Workers Who Handle Receipts May Be Exposed to BPA

Handling receipts may expose cashiers to BPA, a chemical that has been linked to reproductive problems, according to a study from Cincinnati Children’s Hospital Medical Center. In the small study, researchers compared bisphenol A (BPA) among 24 volunteers who handled receipts printed on thermal paper without wearing gloves. After touching the receipts for two straight […]

As NYC’s Construction Industry Booms, Workers’ Lives are Being Put on the Line

On April 28, Workers’ Memorial Day, a group of activists gathered at a West Side building site known for its poor safety conditions to issue a stark warning. Antonio Sanchez of the Worker’s Justice Project proclaimed, “Every day immigrant construction workers like myself put our lives at risk. Many have gotten injured because irresponsible contractors […]

OSHA Issues 2014 Inspection Plan to Reduce Injuries and Illnesses at High-Hazard Workplaces

OSHA has issued its annual inspection plan under the Site-Specific Targeting 2014 program to ensure workplaces with high rates of injury and illness are enforcing resources to protect their workers. The SST program is one of OSHA’s main programmed inspection plans for high-hazard, non construction workplaces that have 20 or more workers. The SST plan […]

MTA Announces Measures for Customer and Worker Safety

The MTA has announced a series of initiatives to improve safety throughout its operations by strengthening reporting responsibilities and emphasizing on management oversight and installing. The position of Chief Safety Officer will be created. It is a new senior management position to ensure that safety becomes a top priority throughout MTA operations. A new Safety […]

Construction Workers Seriously Injured When Brooklyn House Partially Collapses

Eight construction workers were seriously injured last month when they fell from the third floor of a Brooklyn building. The workers were seriously injured while working on a decrepit Brooklyn building. The men fell from the third floor to the first floor on 1916 Prospect Place, according to Fire Department officials. One neighbor says that […]