Practice Areas
Because Fine, Olin & Anderman, LLP (FOA) is committed to working with union members, everything we do is to benefit the worker. Whether you come to FOA because you have been injured on the job and are eligible for Workers’ Compensation, or can no longer work and need Social Security Disability Benefits, have a Personal Injury, or need an attorney for General Legal Services or Veterans Disability Benefits, we will be right there with you every step of the way, no matter how long it takes.
Workers’ Compensation for Construction Workers
The construction fatality rate in New York State tremendously increased in 2016 according to NYCOSH. 71 construction workers were killed in New York State in 2016 alone – a number that the state has not seen since 2002.
According to the January 2017 NYCOSH Deadly Skyline: An Annual Report on Construction Fatalities in New York State: New York state is one of the top 10 states when it comes to the rate of construction fatalities, with construction workers throughout New York state dying at 4.6 times the rate of overall workers, according to the report; falls remain the leading cause of construction related deaths, accounting for nearly half of all deaths in the state in the past decade.
In New York City, construction workers face daily risks of severe injury and death on the job. Federal Bureau of Labor Statistics data shows that construction workers make up only 5% of NYC’s total workforce, but account for 27% of work related injury fatalities .
Hazards on the Job
Construction workers are exposed to a number of dangers during the course of their workday:
Are all Construction Workers Covered?
Construction workers are entitled to workers’ compensation coverage. Part-time workers and ‘borrowed/leased’ employees are also entitled to workers’ compensation coverage.
After a Workplace Injury
If you are injured on the job, or develop workplace related illness, notify your employer as soon as possible. Many seek the aid of a Workers’ Compensation attorney because filing and collecting Workers’ compensation is often a complicated process.
Fine, Olin and Anderman has been servicing the legal needs of union members and their families for 50+ years. The Workers’ Compensation attorneys at Fine, Olin and Anderman are widely recognized and trusted throughout New York State. For more information, contact us today.